Born and raised in Texas ( but don’t hold that against him) John Lucas set his sights on a so-called career in funnybooks, just as the black & white boom, set off by the TMNT phenomenon, went bust. Undeterred, and full of beans, he joined a free-flowing scene of equally delusional misfit toys and slowly clawed his way up up UP, first by self-publishing, then by practically giving his work away to small press publishers, eventually finding himself at the mountain top, producing work (and getting paid!), as artist, inker and even occasionally writer, for the biggest comics publishers in US of A (plus one or two overseas)! After two plus decades of working on some of the most famous characters on the planet, one can only Marvel tm. at the artist, John “Joltin’ Johnny’’ Lucas, again working for smaller publishers and self-publishing, and ask the question,’’WHA’ HOPPEN?!”
Stay tuned and find out.